Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Tarheel Stamper - Slice of Pepperoni Pizza Card

Click on photo for larger view.

Click on photo for larger view.

Progression of shading and adding dots to the pepperoni slices.
This was a fun card to make.  I made it for my youngest son.  He loves pepperoni pizza so I thought this would be great for him.  Since he is an adult, I wanted to make it more realistic.  I will share a "supreme" pizza tomorrow.  This is a time consuming card, but well worth the effort.  When my son told me he was going to keep this one and that was the coolest card, all the work was worth it! 

I have a two-part video on You Tube on how to make this card.  I looked up pizza cards on a search engine and used ideas from both of them, Christine David and Stephanie Baldwin.  Both made beautiful cards!

On the video is a supplies list at the end.  If you need  to print off the supplies, I have uploaded a pdf to Scribd

Part 1 video of Slice of Pizza Tutorial

You can view in HD on my YouTube channel, TarheelStamper

Part 2 will follow in the next post. I didn't want to put two videos in one blog post. 

Happy Stampin,
Tammy aka Tarheel Stamper


LeAnne said...

What a great idea! I will be making this for my nephew for sure! TFS!

Wanda said...

Oh Tammy, it's darling! I think I might make one for "let meet for lunch". It's a great idea! TFS

Melanie C said...

Too cute!!!! So creative! Thank you for playing along with Pals Paper Arts.

Kathy said...

This is so amazing! We have a couple that always makes homemade pizza for all the fun curch events and this would be the perfect thank you card for me to make for them --This is just so creative -Thanks for doing the videos and sharing your expertise!

Wendy said...

I love how realistic and detailed this pizza card is.